Category: General info

Everything you need to know about the electronic signature

For all documents that require a signature, you need a corresponding substitute for the digital equivalent, i.e. an electronic signature (sometimes also called an e-signature). You can compare advanced electronic signatures to a kind of seal. Digital documents can be secured in this way. This means that you can check the authenticity of the person…

Transferring PDF/A documents into an archiving system

In this specific case, a customer had the requirement to automatically transfer PDF/A documents that were created with webPDF into an archiving system and to add a series of metadata to the documents. The files were initially available in many different formats and were then to be converted into PDF/A and metadata added. Aim and…

PDF Days Europe 2021 in Berlin

Preparations are on in full-swing: PDF Days Europe will take place in September 2021. This is the best-known and largest event on the subject of PDF technology, and this year offers the opportunity to be part of it both online and directly on site in Berlin. The agenda this year will again offer a very…

PDF – The ideal format for EU Digital COVID Certificates

The European Commission is creating Digital COVID Certificates (also known as „Digital Green Certificates“) to facilitate safe travel within the EU during the COVID 19 pandemic and allow for more freedom. Safe travel with the „green passport“ The German government is writing about the so-called “green passport” (EU Digital COVID Certificate or EUDCC EU Digital…

PAdES: PDF Advanced Electronic Signature

What is important to know about the PAdES standard? PDF files that are specially adapted for electronic signatures through various restrictions and extensions are called PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures, or PAdES for short. Sometimes it is also referred to as the PAdES standard or the so-called PAdES signature. PAdES: ETSI specification The PAdES technical specification…

Case study: Digital approval process

Several employees should be able to read and sign PDF documents This scenario shows how we worked with a client to develop a solution for a digital approval process. It is an individual, customer-specific application. This case shows how various web services from webPDF were used to implement the solutions for the customer. The customer’s…

Make a note of PDF Days Europe 2021!

Now more than ever, the PDF format is an important building block for digital work processes, communication and data management in companies. PDF is simply one of the most important foundations for this. The annual PDF Days are a good opportunity to find out about the variety of PDF applications and solutions and to get…

The father of the PDF: Charles Geschke has died

His ideas played a decisive role in shaping digitalisation as we know it today. He was known as a visionary and inventor of the digital world. Charles Geschke, co-founder of Adobe, has now passed away in April 2021 at the age of 81. Not everyone knows the name of Charles Geschke, who was also known…

The new PDF standards 2020

In 2017, the PDF 2.0 standard was published, which has now been introduced in 2020 with some corrections in a new, second revision. This is PDF/A as a format for long-term archiving (A stands for archiving) is now available in a new specification with the revision. On the one hand, PDF/A-4 facilitates conversion to make…

Revision of PDF 2.0 – All about PDF/A-4

For 25 years now, the platform-independent file format PDF (Portable Document Format) has been used and regularly adapted and revised. It is precisely the challenges of recent times that have meant that many companies have had to deal intensively with digital work processes. The PDF file format is used in many ways. For example, when…