Category: General info

Legally compliant e-mail archiving in companies (2/2)

In our first part on the subject of e-mail archiving, we primarily dealt with why legally compliant long-term archiving is so important and what the legal requirements in Germany are. We showed what a good archiving solution should bring with it, and now in the second part we want to move on to showing the…

Legally compliant e-mail archiving in companies (1/2)

A large part of today’s corporate communications and business processes are conducted via e-mail correspondence. Even in companies that do not completely rely on the paperless office, the topic of legally valid e-mail archiving or long-term archiving became more and more important. This means: All companies today really need a professional software solution to introduce…

Case study: Professional PDF solution for companies

What are the advantages of using a professional PDF software solution like webPDF? Examples for the practical use in companies: Use with electronic personnel files (here, for example, for three different functions: 1. conversion Office to PDF /2. conversion PDF to PDF/A and 3. thumbnails, i.e. mini thumbnails, appear on the first page)conversion to PDF/A…

Case study: Processing forms with webPDF

Automatic processing of attached PDF documents On the basis of a concrete project example one can best show the application areas and functional characteristics of webPDF. Some of our customers come from the insurance industry, for example. We always work closely together with our customers and implement many individual wishes accordingly. This concrete case study…

Use of webPDF and Java – Changes to Oracle Terms and Conditions

The computer technology corporation Oracle has announced that new conditions will be introduced from 2019 and Oracle Java 11 respectively. (See here: These include that only the latest version of Java SE for private use will receive free updates. For commercial use and use of other versions, a paid license will be introduced. You need…

Case study: Consolidation of archives due to a company takeover

Our webPDF software can be used in many ways, as our case studies and user reports, which describe concrete practical examples, show time and again. Among other things webPDF can also be used for the merger of companies. In this context, software is often sought that can be seamlessly and easily integrated into existing software…

Digital Signatures – Part 3

After Part 1 (Basics and Legal) and Part 2 (Technical Background) of our articles about digital signatures we want to illustrate the use with webPDF with this third and last part. How does the function in the webPDF portal work? With webPDF, all employees on all end devices can convert any document and then digitally…

The 10 biggest advantages of webPDF for developers!

PDF tools and software for companies are like sand on the sea, but what concrete advantages does webPDF offer for software developers? What is the strength of this software and how can webPDF be used profitably for software developers? webPDF is not a pure PDF reader or PDF editor, it is rather a PDF solution…

Securing Documents with Digital Signatures – Part 2

In the first part about digital signatures we dealt with the different forms of signatures and had taken up the question to what extent a document with a digital signature is legally valid. This second part deals with the underlying encryption technique. In connection with a digital signature one often speaks of a so-called “key…

Secure your documents with Digital Signatures – Part 1

With the webPDF-portal you have the possibility to provide PDF documents with digital suignatures. The Digital Signature service, which is based on the “Signature” webservice, enables documents to be digitally signed and certified. Internal and external communication processes can thus be optimally handled electronically. What is a digital signature? Many documents are now sent digitally….