Webservice PDF/A

In this coding eexample we would like to introduce you to the operation of the webPDF webservice pdfa and how you can use it with the help of the webPDF wsclient library. Important note: The following coding example is based on the use of the webPDF wsclient library. In order to understand and apply the…

webPDF 8 Innovations: Webportal (Part 2)

In this part 2 of webPDF 8 some new features of our new webportal will be discussed which were not mentioned in our preview. (Part 1 about installation and administration: click here). For example, there is now a configurable news panel, i.e. a news area for the start page. In the demo installation you can…

webPDF 8: First update with new features

After the release of webPDF 8.0 in November last year, the first update is now available. With the revision number 2058 the new version is now available in the download area. It contains bugfixes and some new features…

Parameter change – it’s high time!

Since version 7 of webPDF we have introduced the new parameter structure based on JSON and XML schemas. This new parameter structure replaces the old parameters, which consisted of a single string parameter and were linked with “&”…

XRechnung: Standard format for German authorities from 2020

As of 2020, all invoices with authorities will be issued as German CIUS X invoices For 8 years now, more and more companies have been converting to electronic invoicing. This means that invoices can only be issued digitally. This can then be done by e-mail or download, for example. Of course, this means that the…

Use of our software at partner companies

Our software can generally be used in many ways. Furthermore, it is also possible to distribute webPDF as a partner or reseller. In case of an existing partnership webPDF can be integrated into your own applications and products and thus be sold as a unit. Your customers will usually not notice that webPDF is in…


Editing XMP Metadata: our coding example

How to edit XMP metadata using the webPDF wsclient library? Important note: The following coding example is based on the use of the webPDF wsclient library. In order to understand and apply the example, the following blog post should be considered first: To call the webservice, you should first have created a REST or SOAP…

Legally compliant e-mail archiving in companies (2/2)

In our first part on the subject of e-mail archiving, we primarily dealt with why legally compliant long-term archiving is so important and what the legal requirements in Germany are. We showed what a good archiving solution should bring with it, and now in the second part we want to move on to showing the…

Legally compliant e-mail archiving in companies (1/2)

A large part of today’s corporate communications and business processes are conducted via e-mail correspondence. Even in companies that do not completely rely on the paperless office, the topic of legally valid e-mail archiving or long-term archiving became more and more important. This means: All companies today really need a professional software solution to introduce…

Options Operation: Change Display

This code example shows how to work with the Options operation using the webPDF ToolboxWebService and how to best use the wsclient library. Important note: The following coding example is based on the use of the webPDF wsclient library. In order to understand and apply the example, the following blog post should be considered first:…