webPDF 8 Innovations: Installation and Administration (Part 1)

After the release of webPDF version 8.0 we want to introduce some new features that might be interesting for our users. Besides the changes concerning installation and administration that we will describe here, the next parts will also deal with our new webPDF portal (webPDF 8 Innovations Part 2) and the webservices (webPDF 8 Innovations…

Case study: Professional PDF solution for companies

What are the advantages of using a professional PDF software solution like webPDF? Examples for the practical use in companies: Use with electronic personnel files (here, for example, for three different functions: 1. conversion Office to PDF /2. conversion PDF to PDF/A and 3. thumbnails, i.e. mini thumbnails, appear on the first page)conversion to PDF/A…

Print Operation of the webPDF ToolboxWebService

Coding Example: Webservice Printing using the webPDF wsclient library Important note: The following coding example is based on the use of the webPDF wsclient library. In order to understand and apply the example, the following blog post should be considered first: We would like to introduce the print operation and its use with the webPDF…

The PDF Days 2020

As usual in recent years, the PDF Days Europe will take place in April 2020 in Berlin, , i.e. the current standard from 2017, which includes support for the PRC file format, 3D measuring tools and improved security functions, are still interesting. Another important topic could be the e-invoicing obligation for public authorities and everything…

Coding example: toolbox forms operation

How to export, import or flatten form data with the wsclient library? Important note: The following coding example is based on the use of the webPDF wsclient library. In order to understand and apply the example, the following blog post should be considered first: Here we want to introduce you to the Forms operation of…

webPDF Toolbox Delete: Remove Pages

This is about an application description with code examples for the Delete Operation of the webPDF ToolboxWebService. Important note: The following coding example is based on the use of the webPDF wsclient library. In order to understand and apply the example, the following blog post should be considered first: First steps: Creating a REST or…

Case study: Processing forms with webPDF

Automatic processing of attached PDF documents On the basis of a concrete project example one can best show the application areas and functional characteristics of webPDF. Some of our customers come from the insurance industry, for example. We always work closely together with our customers and implement many individual wishes accordingly. This concrete case study…

Creating portfolios with the webPDF wsclient library

In this article we would like to show an example (Portfolio Operation) how you can use operations of the webPDF Toolbox Webservices with the help of the wsclient library. Important note: The following coding example is based on the use of the webPDF wsclient library. In order to understand and apply the example, the following…

webPDF 8.0 is now launched

webPDF is now available as platform-independent PDF server in the new version 8. Our professional PDF solution for companies has been reworked and now includes some new features concerning installation, administration, various webservices and especially the completely reworked webPDF Portal. The complete feature list…

webPDF 8: Operation Outline – Part 4:

Presentation of further ActionTypes: The following parameters and subelements can be selected for a setOCGState Action: The “layerState” object: This object selects layers of the document and determines the logic according to which the layer visibility is to be changed. Am layerState Objekt lassen sich folgende Parameter setzen: The following parameters can be set on the layerState object…