Webservices-interfaces: SOAP and RESTful

In this technical contribution we would like to compare the webservice-interfaces SOAP and REST. webPDF provides its PDF-functions as SOAP as well as SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) REST (Representational State Transfer) network protocol REST is considered a software architecture style / construction method for the Web Field of application: SAP, use in Enterprise environment…

10 helpful tips for working with PDF

Here are some simple tips to save you time and effort when working with PDF documents on the webPDF portal. 1. Merging multiple PDF files webPDF makes it easy to take multiple PDF documents and merge them into a single PDF. You can use the “Merge Documents” service on the webPDF portal to combine all…

What is Hybrid Archiving? Addition to PDF/A-3

Small addition to our PDF series: PDF/A – The format of the future – Part 1: PDF/A-1 PDF/A – The format of the future – Part 2: PDF/A-2 and PDF/A – The format of the future – Part 3: PDF/A-3 As the

Everything in sight: The webPDF preview feature for digital personnel files

A leading manufacturer of rubber floor coverings has been using the webPDF software solution from SoftVision Development since 2014 to not only locate documents quickly, but also keep track of and better manage hundreds of digital personnel files. Rubber “Made in Germany” – nora systems – experts for high-quality rubber floor coverings The company nora…

webPDF visiting the SNoUG 2017 – Our Review

In 2015 we spontaneously decided to make a short flying visit to the SNoUG conference in Zurich and found out that the SNoUG had turned out to be a real insider tip. So this year, on 22 March 2017, Zurich was firmly scheduled in our diary. webPDF at the SNoUG 2017 Once again, the small…

SoftVision at SNoUG with webPDF 6.0

We’ll be on hand again this year at the Swiss Notes User Group’s annual conference. In addition to our software products specially engineered for IBM Notes, we will also be showing our webPDF business solution. We’re looking forward to sharing a lot of insights not only about IBM Notes and Domino, but our PDF software…

DSAG-Technologietage 2017 in Mannheim – Our Review

This year, the “Technologietage” of the German-speaking SAP® User Group e.V. focused on the topic of digitization and the opportunities it offers. DSAG-Technologietage 2017 in Mannheim Visitors were able to attend many presentations on the technologies surrounding the ERP of the future. The exhibition also wanted to show developers, CIOs and CxOs planning security and…

webPDF meets DSAG-Technologietage 2017

After we were successfully represented with our PDF business solution webPDF for the first time at the DSAG annual conference in 2016, the decision to participate in the DSAG-Technologietagen from February 21 to 22, 2017 in Mannheim was easy. At the DSAG 2016 in Nuremberg (DSAG 2016 Review), we already had a lively exchange of…

An unbeatable team: DEKRA and webPDF

The internationally recognized inspection organization , an SAP partner company that has been employing solutions from SoftVision for quite a long time. This is what brought about such a beneficial collaboration. “We started out looking for a software package that could convert Word documents and all the other types of formats quickly and easily. The…

Optimize your recruiting process with webPDF

Using the recruiting process, i.e. at the internal process in companies regarding personnel and application procedures, we can show how webPDF can be used to simplify the workflow of the responsible employees. How webPDF can simplify the workflow for you? webPDF for use in the Human Resource area: Most larger companies rely on targeted and…