The ten most important tips for online applications

Classical application folders are less and less produced nowadays. Online applications are now preferred by many companies. Many companies often even offer their own application portals, which are the best way to apply online. This facilitates the application procedure (and the costs) for the applicants, but there are also some things you can do wrong…

PDF/A – The format of the future – Part 4: PDF/UA

Now that parts 1 to 3 of our blog series covered the subject of PDF/A and the formats PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3, it’s time to share some details about the PDF/UA format and how you can use it to generate PDFs that – as its UA designation indicates – will ensure universal accessibility, especially for people with disabilities. The…

Tips and tricks: Convert HTML pages to PDF files

The webPDF portal makes it very easy to convert HTML pages into PDF format. With the URL Conversion service, you have the option of storing HTML documents as PDF documents according to your wishes. All you have to do is call up the URL in question. If the website is located in a protected area,…

Overview of the most important file and graphic formats

Text formats and their endings: Docx: Microsoft Word documents (word processing) – Docx is the format of the latest version of MS Word. A docx file can contain text, images and graphics. Older Word versions may not be able to read the format.. TXT: Text file saved with the Microsoft Editor. TXT are plain text…

DSAG Annual Conference in Nuremberg – a look back

In September 2016

SoftVision attending the 2016 DSAG Annual Conference

The DSAG German-speaking SAP® User Group will be offering a professional platform for us to present and demonstrate our webPDF business solution. The conference, to be held in Nuremberg from 20-22 September 2016, will not only provide ample opportunities for sharing information, but for businesses and users to do a great deal of SAP-related networking…

Unicode 9.0 release planned for mid-2016

After last year’s update, another update is planned for this summer. We take this as an opportunity to take a close look at the unicode standard. The so-called Unicode-consortium as a non-profit association is responsible for ensuring that the unicode standard is continually further developed and expanded. What is unicode? Since computers only work with…

Our visit to tools 2016

After having attended tools 2015 in Berlin where we made many new contacts, we decided to participate in Connexpo tools in Berlin again this year. Ahead of the event we had the privilege of publishing a feature article on the organizer’s online magazine and experts’ blog called toolsmag. Our article for tools 2016: Digital workflow:…

PDF/A – The format of the future – Part 3: PDF/A-3

The third part of our series on PDF/A deals with the PDF/A-3 format, which is the current standard for archiving and e-bills. However, this does not mean that the PDF/A-1 or PDF/A-2 formats are no longer valid or should no longer be used. Depending on the intended use, the PDF formats used so far may…