Implementing long-term archiving: PDF/a directly from SAP

Many companies use SAP software to manage their documents. In this way, it is possible to create efficient structures even with large amounts of data. However, if it is necessary to archive the files for a long time, some problems may occur. webPDF offers a conversion software that also offers a suitable solution for this…

PDF/UA for customer communication

Business have to specially adapt and process content for proper display on customer mobile devices. Today’s consumers want relevant information at their fingertips, on the move, and on whichever device they may be using at any given time – be this a smartphone, laptop or tablet. This challenges companies to make content usable on mobile…


Accessible PDF files: PDF/UA

The ISO standard 14289-1, better known as PDF/UA, describes the requirements for universally accessible PDF documents. The PDF/UA standard marked the first time that businesses and government agencies were provided with a guide for ensuring that software, hardware and electronic documents work together as best as possible to eliminate barriers to access. Whenever there is…

Convert citations and tickets to PDF/A files fully automatically

When the ticket is faster than the speeder. Radar and cameras catch German motorists speeding about three million times a year. The Fines & Citations Office of the city of Leverkusen deals with speeding offenses every day. Most of these violations occur on the bridge that crosses the River Rhine along the A1 autobahn. Here…

Personalized Print III: PDF/VT

In August 2010 the International Standards Organization published the PDF/VT standard, which opened the door to a new realm of possibilities for digital printing by decoupling the complexities of VDP creation from the particular print production methods. PDF/VT gives the world of personalized data printing all the benefits of PDF workflow by satisfying the demands…

Personalized Print II: Mailings

There’s no question that printing in support of direct mail campaigns is a billion-dollar business. The astronomical number of printing orders and the need for fast turnaround have not only given rise to the development of appropriately capable hardware, but also to such applications as variable data printing (VDP), which can significantly reduce the cost…

Personalized Print I: a success story unfolds

Variable data printing has made tremendous progress since its beginnings It caused quite a sensation back in the 1960s: bank statements in plain black text produced by dot-matrix printers and then mailed by name to each account holder. Today the very idea of this might only earn grins from nostalgists, especially in light of how…

Proper and legal: PDF/A in the judicial and administrative sectors

Administrative workflows are being modernized as more and more government agencies start using the e-case file – and PDF/A is playing a decisive role in all of this. The call for a modernized workplace has finally reached the courts and government agencies. This development is not only due to the people working in such agencies,…

Digital signatures in PDF/A

Digitally sign and complete legally binding business transactions faster It wasn’t that long ago that the idea of being able to digitally sign a document and have evidence of its origin and authorship was nothing but wishful thinking. However, with PDF/A, a document specification has been created that makes all this possible. Now contracts and…

PDF/A-3: more features and conforms with ISO

PDF/A-3 brings new features and possibilities ISO officially published the third part of the PDF/A long-term archiving format in late 2012. PDF/A-3 not only retains the fundamental idea of enabling reliable archiving over long periods of time, but was enhanced by the addition of a container function. What’s new? Unlike the previous PDF/A-2 version, this…