Tag: electronic invoicing

Electronic invoice in ZUGFeRD format

For electronic invoices, the so-called ZUGFeRD format has established itself in many industries. This standard offers a unification of processing as well as an automatable effective process for companies, customers and tax consultants. ZUGFeRD 2.0 fully complies with the European standard 16931 and can therefore be received and processed by all European administrations in accordance…

ZUGFeRD: the new standard for electronic invoices

PDF/A-3 as the preferred ZUGFeRD format The Central User Guidelines of the Electronic Billing Forum of Germany – best known by its acronym ZUGFeRD, which resembles and is pronounced like the German word for a draft horse – describe a new document and file format for the exchange of electronic invoices. The initiators’ goal is…

Electronic invoice: ten facts!

Reading tip on the subject of electronic invoicing Since 1 July 2011, the transmission of an electronic invoice has been optional. The Tax Simplification Act 2011 (in Germany) implements the requirements of the 2010 amended EU- VAT system Directive: The use of a qualified electronic signature or the EDI procedure for the electronic invoice is…