Buy the software - the PDF solution for your business

Did our solution convince you?

Then why not use the power and technology of webPDF for your own company?

We can provide you with a software package, which allows you to run webPDF on your own server or as a virtual machine in your company.

Take advantage of the following options today:

  • Fair pricing - No costs per PDF nor licensing per CPU
  • Flexibility - Convert documents to PDF or edit existing PDF documents
  • Minimal administration - Central installation, no client installations necessary
  • Cross-platform capability - Windows and Linux are supported
  • Modern technology - Java-based webservices
  • High performance - Scaleable and adaptable to your needs
  • Cross-application useability - Integrate the functionality into your own applications
  • Ready to use - Start immediately, thanks to the included web portal

Prices products

webPDF - Server License (SL)
License for use1) by end customers2) per server3) (Windows or Linux) with two instances5) for each web service (WSI) and one site access license for the primary site
webPDF - Site Access License (SAL)
Additional access license4) for access to a server license (SL) for another location
webPDF - Webservice Instance (WSI)
Additional instance5) per server license (SL) for each web service endpoint
webPDF - Development Server License (DSL)
License6) for end customers per server for test and development or fail-over operation (stand-by)

Subscription prices

Subscription für webPDF - Server License (SL)
One year of product & version updates and support at “Silver” level.
Minimum term of two years with automatic renewal if not canceled three months before the end of the term.
Subscription für webPDF - Site Access License (SAL)
One year of product & version updates and support at “Silver” level.
Minimum term of two years with automatic renewal if not canceled three months before the end of the term.
Subscription für webPDF - Webservice Instance (WSI)
One year of product & version updates and support at “Silver” level.
Minimum term of two years with automatic renewal if not canceled three months before the end of the term.
Subscription für webPDF - Development Server License (DSL)
One year of product & version updates and support at “Silver” level.
Minimum term of two years with automatic renewal if not canceled three months before the end of the term.

As a solution for service providers, corporate groups, data centers and public authorities or institutions

You are the (IT) service provider of a corporate group and want to use or license webPDF centrally for all associated companies of the group?

You would like to use the features of webPDF not exclusively for yourself, but - as a service provider or data center - also offer them to your customers?

You are a public authority or institution and want to centrally use webPDF?

This also is no problem with webPDF! Use our callback option in the contact form so we can contact you as soon as possible to discuss the various options.

If speed is of the essence, you can also use the webchat function to talk to an employee directly.

Any questions?

Should you have any questions, please, use our support. Talk to us via our live chat or use our callback option. We are there to help!


1) The license is granted pursuant to the SoftVision Development GmbH Software License Agreement (the "Agreement").

2) "End customer" is defined as a third party (i. e. the contracting legal entity), that has acquired a license to use webPDF (the "Application") for its own internal business purposes pursuant to the agreement. This definition does not include public institutions or hosting and data center providers. This definition also does not include the operation of the Application as an ASP, SaaS or similar solution. A separate user agreement is required for such excluded institutions, providers or operating modes.

3) A separate license is required for each installation on a server in a single, load balancing, failover (standby) or test and development environment. The Server License (SL) places no limitation on the web services or the portal with regard to a) the connected applications, b) the processors utilized or (v)Core, c) the PDF documents created, or d) the users at the primary site of the End Customer, as defined above (affiliates are expressly excluded). One or more additional licenses defined as a Site Access License (SAL) are required for using the Server License (SL) outside the primary site.

4) A Site Access License (SAL) is required for a) each permanent establishment or branch office in accordance with §§ 13 ff. German Commercial Code (HGB), b) affiliated companies pursuant to §271 HGB or § 15 in conjunction with §§ 16-19 German Stock Corporation Law (AktG), and c) public institutions, political organizations, state organizations or foundations not in possession of their own Server License (SL) and installation. A Site Access License (SAL) is required for the a) direct (web services, portal) or b) indirect (integrated in an application or service) use of the services or the portal of the Server License (SL).

5) Number of parallel processing of requests to the web service endpoints to increase the performance or the data throughput of the server.

6) We offer discounted licenses for failover (standby) and test / development operations. In loadbalancing scenarios, each server requires its own Server License (SL).

This price list supersedes all previous price lists. Prices are subject to change without notice. No warranty is made regarding the accuracy or completeness of any information provided. SoftVision Development's General Business Terms & Conditions apply. Prices are stated in euros (EUR) and do not include the current statutory value-added tax (VAT).

All expenses incurred for travel and / or overnight accommodations will be invoiced according to SoftVision Development's applicable price list.